Serving (Archive)

Sunday Services



Mission: Allowing Jesus to train our hearts and use our God-given talents to reach the poor and broken of the world. At Redeemer, we encourage every person to grow in Jesus Christ through serving others in our local community, region, and beyond. Your Commitment of time and talents is greatly appreciated and honoring to God in advancing His kingdom and hastening His return.

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Beacon House

A men’s homeless shelter ministry of the Frederick Rescue Mission where we provide and serve a meal once a month.

Faith Connections

Faith Connections is a non-profit Christian ministry that works in collaboration with churches, government agencies, and various organizations in the Damascus-Clarksburg area to provide emergency assistance to families in crisis situations and help empower clients towards self-reliance.

More Info: 

Triple R Mission

Reinitializing local and regional communities impacted by natural disasters.


among the NATIONS

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20

Mexicali Mission Trip

Redeemer volunteers will travel to Mexicali to share the love of Christ with children and adults in the Mexicali area. Our delegation will provide a VBS like program with games, Bible study, crafts and fellowship with area residents. This is a wonderful serving opportunity for families, teens and adults.

We are praying about adding some construction ministry - let us know if you are interested.


Nicaragua Mission Trip

A Redeemer delegation travels to Nicaragua each summer to encourage and learn from the people of Fe Y Esperanza, our sister congregation. This is a humbling trip where we can learn and see God's love for his people in this modest country.



OneLife Africa

OneLife Africa is an inspiring scholarship and discipleship program of high school students in Kenya. Most of the students come out of Mathare Slum in Nairobi and the rural village of Nyakach in western Kenya. This ministry was born out of Andrew and Stephanie Onguka’s desire to serve Christ by bringing hope to the poor through access to high school education. In the Kenyan educational system, the students attend school year-round, mostly in boarding schools around the country. During their school breaks they attend camps organized by OneLife to strengthen their relationship with Christ.

Redeemer sends a mission team annually to come alongside the OneLife students and put on a discipleship camp to develop their relationship with Christ through large group lessons, testimonies, small group bible studies, games and crafts, among other things.

Additionally, construction is beginning on a Student Leadership Center in Nyakach to offer a residential program to graduates in their gap-year that incorporates academic, Bible-based curriculum, hands-on training and community outreach.


For more information about the ministry:


There are numerous opportunities to serve at Redeemer. Please contact us at regarding interest in helping with any of the following:

  • Altar Preparation: Accomplished during the week (This is a way to learn more about the liturgy of our church. It is also an ideal time to partner with someone.)
  • Chair Set up: Saturday Afternoon For Sunday Services
  • Guest Services: Monthly. Welcome our guests Sunday morning. Team members arrive early to greet guests before 10 AM Service, staff our Connections Center.
  • Communion Assistant: 10 AM Chapel/FLC
  • Count Offering: after Service
  • Provide Bread: Chapel & FLC
  • Reader: Chapel & FLC
  • Usher: Chapel & FLC
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