Faith Step Classes

Sunday Services


Beginning on Sunday, September 17, 2023

Meeting Sunday Mornings at Redeemer 9:15 – 10:15am

Following God’s 12-Step Path to Healing, Freedom, & Lasting Change (Men)

Room 209 – Mike Warren

God set out a plan for the recovery of His broken people.  The Bible is the greatest book on recovery ever written.  In it, we meet numerous individuals whose hurting lives are restored through the wisdom and power of God.  We meet the God who is waiting, with arms outstretched, for all of us to turn back to Him, seek after His will, and recover the wonderful, purposeful life He has for each of us.  This class is taking recovery back to the source—the Bible—to learn how to let God do for us that which we cannot do for ourselves, while taking the steps necessary to draw closer to Him, as we learn to trust Him to heal our brokenness and set us on the path toward wholeness.


Sermons in Action (Co-Ed)

Room 212 – P. John Bromhal

A great Sermon should prompt listeners into action or change. Join a group discussion and reflection on the weekly readings and sermon questions with an expectation of accountability for personal action. 

(Hybrid option: Contact P. John for Zoom invite:


12 Women of the Bible: Life-Changing Stories for Women Today (Women)

Front Cover Preview Image - 1 of 10 - Twelve Women of the Bible: Life-Changing Stories for Women  Today, Study GuideRoom 208 – Janet Stephens, Cherri Warren, & Meg Madden

We will open ourselves up to the raw and revealing stories of frailties, struggles, brokenness, and victories of real women from both the Old and New Testaments.  Things like finding lasting contentment in the Truth, overcoming rejection and insecurity, surrendering in waiting, and learning to accept unconditional love.   We’ll learn about the real faith of women like Eve, Leah, Hannah, Mary Magdalene, Martha and more.  Their stories are not fairytales, their road was not easy, and their examples are not perfect. They lived in times and places quite different from ours. Yet they hold up a mirror to our souls that can help us better understand our own story. And in doing so, we find freedom to come to God as we are, with total transparency—honest and real.   Participants will need to purchase the Study Guide Twelve Women of the Bible: Life-Changing Stories for Women Today by Sherry Harney.  (found at Amazon or Christian Book Distributors)

Choosing Marriage: Why It Has to Start With We>Me by Debra Fileta (Co-Ed)

Room 124 - Chris and Wanda Sloop and Marriage Ministry

Using the book, "Choosing Marriage - Why it has to start with We > Me" by Debra Fileta we will learn about the relationship and communication tools we all need to build a thriving marriage. Whatever stage of life you are in, there is something here that can transform you. Topics include: selflessness, communication, conflict resolution, pride and humility, forgiveness, sex, boundaries, honesty and authenticity, and God- centered oneness.  


Study on Ephesians: Using the book “Becoming a People of Grace” by Charles Swindoll (Men)

Room 211 – Karl Madden, Scott Anderson, & Tom Moravansky. 

In a quiet moment, the apostle Paul recorded his thoughts on what makes life worthwhile. He revealed to the Ephesian church and to us the secret of the Christian life: our confidence in Christ, our unity within the body, and our example to the world. As you delve into Paul's grand epistle, glimpse at its core the heart of the gospel....and your life. Join us as we delve together into what makes the Christian life worthwhile.

Know Why You Believe - Book by Paul Little (Men)Front Cover Preview Image - 1 of 8 - Know Why You Believe, New Edition

Room 129 – Ted Gammell, Howard Fischer & Kyle Langham

Paul Little and his wife served as staff workers with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship for 25-years and they interacted with students and young adults many of which were atheist or agnostic or just questioning their faith, and this study book is a compilation of Paul Little’s experiences and wisdom gained from those interactions. Billy Graham indorsed this book as being “scholarly, articulate and simple” and I certainly agree with that. It is broken into 12 short chapters that explore questions like:

  1. Is Christianity Rational?
  2. Is There a God?
  3. Is Christ God?
  4. Did Christ Rise from the Dead?
  5. Is the Bible God’s Work?
  6. Are the Bible Documents Reliable?
  7. Does Archaeology Verify Scripture?
  8. Are Miracles Possible?
  9. Do Science and Scripture Agree?
  10. Why Does God Allow Suffering and Evil?
  11. Does Christianity Differ from Other World Religions?
  12. Is Christian Experience Valid?
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